Fantastic Tips for the Best Selfies
Drop the duck lips and smile
Everyone takes a selfie at some point. They're easy to take. But getting a good one is another story, since the angle is different than traditional photos, along with the lighting and the camera used.
Find out how to take the best selfies so that you look good every time.

The selfie is a modern version of self-expression and it's not a narcissistic expression, though it certainly can be in a pejorative way, said Matt Sweetwood, president of Unique Photo, Inc.
“What makes it both unique and popular, is unlike other forms of self-expression, this one is usually communicated instantly; providing the creator and viewers with an instantaneous gratification or in some cases, mortification,” Sweetwood said.
“There are good reasons to take a selfie: landmark behind you, with a friend/family, or with a celebrity instead of keeping their signature as a keepsake,” he said.
If you enjoy taking selfies, there's no reason to look unattractive in them. Our expert shares tips on how to achieve the best look in any selfie.

Look your best
One of the most important tips is to give yourself a once-over before you take a photo. We've all snapped a photo and assumed our hair and makeup were on point only to find out after taking the photos that we have flyaways and smeared eyeliner. Or the dreaded food-stuck-in-the-teeth scenario.
Of course you can always delete the pic and take another, but you might as well peek into the mirror first so you have lots of good selfies to pick from. Don't ruin the perfect shot because of lipstick on your front teeth.
Celebrity photographer Peter Joe DiPilato shares his tips for taking the best selfies:
- Keep camera high and shoot down. This is the most flattering angle for all faces as it slims the face and eliminates double chins.
- Use lighting to your benefit. Natural sunlight, especially at sunrise or sunset when the light is more subtle, will bring out your skin tone. Facing a sunlit window will give a “wash out” effect, eliminating imperfections. On the contrary, without a proper diffuser, a flash will bring them out, so avoid it at all costs.
- Since selfies are taken at a relatively close distance, the eyes are often the focal point, so bring them out with flattering colors. Blue eyes look good in rose, gray, lemon, and all blues. Brown eyes look great in red, gold and browns, while green eyes shine in purples and plums.
- You are the dominant subject in the photo, but it's important to think about your background to make the shot more interesting. Include an interesting background such as a piece of artwork, a waterfall or something outdoors. No bathroom selfies, and please, clean up the room.
- Even the most attractive people don't look so at extreme close-ups, which will emphasize your features making them look larger than they are. The point? Keep the camera at arms length. Try using a selfie stick. They create an even greater distance then your arm can and you can shoot from some unique angles making your selfies stand out.
Tagged in: photography, portraits, selfies,