
Vogue España Pays Tribute to Jimi Hendrix in March 2010 Issue

March is here and in dedication to one of the greatest artists of all time, Jimi Hendrix, Vogue España has created a whole feature inspired by his rocker style and iconic presence.

Featuring Polish model Anja Rubik this photomontage is everything that you’d expect from a flirty spring issue. You’ll find the trends of the 60’s and 70s mixed in with current looks! Don’t you just adore the feather detail on the hat on the cover? It’s definitely LUX-worthy if we do say so ourselves.

To quote the rock legend himself: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

What could bring more peace than fashion-inspired trends that blend hip-chic while also incorporating several decades of fashion influence? We definitely think this March issue would have made Jimi proud. We must extend acknowledgments to the photo-genius behind it all, Patrick Dermacheller.

So take a look at the gallery photos and let us know what catches your eye. As for all of you Jimi Hendrix fans, do you believe these pics capture the essence of this rock legend fashionista?



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