Tag Sale: Shop for charity with Refinery29 + UO
If you’re in LA this weekend, you may want to check out the tag sale going on at Space 15. Refinery29, a style web site based in New York, is finally spreading it’s digital wings and launching a Los Angeles section. In celebration, and in conjunction with Urban Outfitters, Refinery29 will be offering designer goods for amazing low prices. Vintage to brand-spanking new items will be featured on the floors of the fashion extravaganza. You can expect deals on designs from Helmut Lang, Vena Cava, Sophomore, TenOverSix, Rogan, the famous vintage shop What Goes Around Comes Around… and many more. It doesn’t hurt the wallet when you know it’s gong to a great cause. Refinery29 is donating a portion of the proceeds to Housing Works, a nonprofit that offers services to help the homeless living with HIV/AIDS in New York City.
Although the sale doesn’t start until May 21 at 10am, UO and Refinery29 shoppers can RSVP for a chance to win a VIP ticket to attend tonight’s pre-sale party. The cocktail party will include a special performance by The Like while sipping Stella and munching on yummy Unami Burger. Only 10 lucky people will get the chance to hang out with LA’s fashion movers and shakers so sign up!
Tagged in: helmut lang, urban outfitters, what goes around comes around, band of outsiders, tenoversix, vena cava, rogan, refinery29, sophomore,

Urban Outfitters/LadyLux