LUX-Insider: Fashion Elite on Current Times
With all these major shifts happening in our economy and in the way we do business we thought we would showcase a few insights on the fashion industry and how it has been affected. Fashion’s elite were interviewed by on what they have learned from the current state of affairs and we at LadyLUX have highlighted a few inspiring statements. LUXies, get Inspired to look at your life from a half-full perspective!
Donna Karen
The good news is everyone’s heart is opening. People really do care. Is philanthropy down? Every night there are three or four events with people coming together to help others. It’s all about opening hearts and people really getting together.
Michael Kors
The good news is in this crazy, terrible economy, I think people’s taste is getting better. They have to think about what they buy and they’re getting a more discerning eye because of it. There are no more shoes you can’t walk in, bags you can’t carry, dresses you can’t sit in.
Stefano Gabbana
First of all, we feel hyper creative, reactive, excited and stimulated. Strangely enough, given the times, we feel good and feel the urge to experiment.
Phillip Lim
Good news—my plants in my garden are happy and about to bloom. My dog Oliver has recently learned to lay down—on command. I am more inspired, and my focus is clearer then ever! Life is good, as it’s really the simple things that I have come back to. It’s been a reawakening
It’s inspiring to see that even when we live in less then perfect times, how the landscape of the fashion industry has perhaps been able to “cut through the clutter and get back to the essentials” LUX-style.
Lady LUX brought you a snack, for more go to WWD to read the full interviews.
Tagged in: michael kors, donna karen, phillip lim, stefano gabbana, economic conditions, fashion elite,,