Radar: Re-Opening for H&M, Harlem, V.I.P. Style
Last night, H&M and Uptown magazine celebrated the grand re-opening of the H&M Harlem store. All the elements were in place for a great kickoff: a fabulous DJ, delicious hors d’oeuvres, drinks, a great crowd, and 25 percent off anything purchased that night. The VIP Event was held from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the store (which spans two floors), with fans, fashionistas, and flocks of media folk lined up on the red carpet outside in anticipation of rushing the racks. In case one must go back for seconds, there will also be offers all weekend for the entire family, such as ladies’ dresses—which start at only $3, men’s shirts starting at $5, and girls’ leggings starting at $3.
The fashion retailer, which holds a special place in the hearts, and closets, of so many, chose the best address on the street: 125 West 125th Street. The outpost is right in the middle of Harlem, on the same strip as other great stores, such as Starbucks and Target, helping them benefit from the already present foot traffic. H&M is committed to supporting the local community, and showed so for this event by partnering with the Boys & Girls Club of Harlem. H&M donated gift cards to club members, in addition to giving the organization a financial grant to support their programs. On opening day, H&M granted the Boys & Girls Club access to the store at 9:00 am so members could shop before everyone else did. The Swedish-born company was established in 1947 and has grown to 195 stores in the United States and approximately 2,000 in 37 countries around the globe. The whole world loves H&M.
Tagged in: trends, fashion, non-profit, cutting edge fashion, harlem, vip,

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