Eco-LUX Apparel: Degree Six Clothing
Eco-LUXies, have you been searching the Web for green gear that’s designed with comfort and sex appeal in mind?? Well, if that’s something you’ve been trying to hunt down, then let us recommend this company that excels in eco-chic loungewear for both men and women!
Degree 6 Clothing definitely takes green to a whole new level with their cozy off-the-shoulder tops and hot, hot T’s!! By cleverly incorporating a variety of eco-techniques such as blending bamboo and corn, or organic cotton and recycled polyester, this line definitely sets itself apart.
Regardless of the methods used to create these eco-friendly pieces, you’re guaranteed chic, comfortable, and eco-fabulous apparel!! So, no more feeling guilty for buying clothes that don’t ‘make’ a positive difference towards our environment. It’s official, D6 has just been LUXified!
These new designs by D6 just recently debuted in June by way of designer, Cassie Stevenson; who infused her Portland roots into her transplanted Los Angles lens in creating the new men and women’s collections.
“My vision is to provide comfortable, high-quality, sexy styles that everyone feels good wearing, while promoting awareness to our environment and practicing the greenest process possible. D6 will continually strive to find more sustainable options for every aspect of our business, as well as provide the highest quality of fabrics and production,” says Stevenson.
As a company, Degree 6 was created with sustainability in mind as well as eco-clothes that can add to your fashion statement. Though, they don’t claim to solve all the world’s challenges. They have chosen to create a clothing line that meets two of the planet’s most critical concerns: carbon emissions and water supply. By using alternative sources of cotton, they can cut back on their water usage. The lifecycle of their product has also been created to actually continually look for ways to reduce emissions as it travels through the production process from fabrication, dyeing, cutting, sewing, packaging or hybrid vehicles for shipments.
Be sure to check their complete line of clothing at Degree 6.
Tagged in: fashion, green, sustainable, stylish, cassie stevenson, degree 6 clothing, eco-friendly,