Charlize Theron Harnesses Her Star Power to Make a Positive Difference in Africa
Influence and prestige can be powerful tools to effectively embody the LadyLUX principle of ‘good for the sake of good.’
Such is the case with Charlize Theron, who has just partnered with Give and Take Tees to create t-shirts for charity. This partnership will help Charlize make a difference for her own 501c3 nonprofit foundation, the Africa Outreach Project. Which is an ‘Entertainment Industry Foundation Charitable Services Fund’ that’s helping raise funds to expand mobile health and computer clinics to some of the most rural communities in South Africa.
“Give and Take is a socially responsible company and I’m thrilled to have their support,” Theron says in a statement. “The kids that are being helped through my African Outreach Project are so incredible and vibrant. These T-shirts capture the spirit of South Africa and give everyone a way to help.”
The focus of these new T’s is to help combine the use of fashion and philanthropy by making a difference. The funds from these t-shirts will go to bring immediate resources to the children of these selected communities and help bring sustainability and positive growth. Specifically, for children who are suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Being a native of South Africa, this is a dream come true for Theron, to be able to reach out and bring awareness to the kids who are lacking the healthcare, education and treatments necessary for a much better life. This new collaboration truly allows the word to be spread in a cool and unique way and that’s a win-win for everyone.
So LUXies, will you be a part of making a difference by purchasing one of these T’s? Do note that all donations are tax-deductible, though be sure to check with your own tax advisor for specifics.
Tagged in: charity, fundraiser, hivaids, give and take tees, charlize theron africa outreach project, t-shirts,