2010 LUX Movie Watch: Preview of Sex in the City 2
LUX fashionistas, 2010 is continuing to glimmer with hope for the New Year. Our FAV four ladies are back on the big screen and this sequel is raising the bar on fashion!
It’s been two years since we last saw the lovely Sex and the City crew with new material. Don’t expect too much from this brief preview, it definitely leaves you with more questions than answers. Though, it also alludes to more adventures ahead for Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte. At one point, you see them walking in full fashion attire through the desert, you can only imagine the back story leading them there!
One thing is for sure, the soundtrack for the preview is HOT, with Jay-Z and Alicia Keys singing their ‘Empire State of Mind’ track. If this is any indication of the music that will accompany the new film, it’s already on my list of must-see movies!
To check the HD preview out for yourself, CLICK HERE. We’d love to know what you think!
Expect the sequel to hit theaters on May 28. We already know that it’ll be a sure hit with the dedicated fans, but what about you all? Tell us what you think of this new glimpse of Sex and the City 2.
Tagged in: fashion, new york city, sex in the city 2, movie trailer,