140 Characters Conference in LA: Exploring the State of Now
Calling all Twitter fans in the Los Angeles area!
The brilliant creator and founder of pulver.com, Jeff Pulver, has put together an action packed 2-day event set for today and tomorrow, October 27-28.
This ‘140 Characters Conference’ has evolved since the original NYC version back in June of this year. The topic for the NYC event was exploring the effects of Twitter on celebrities, the media, advertising, lifestyles and politics!
Though, this topic might be intriguing it has evolved with the changing times and for this new conference the theme revolves around the exploration of twitter as a language we speak and how the real-time Internet affects business today!
For some, the topic alone will spark your interest, though it’s the format of this conference that’s even more powerful. It’s completely designed to model the ‘Twitter-platform’ of minimizing what we say to ensure it’s powerful and yet, time efficient. It also encourages you, the conference attendee, to be a part of the discussion by utilizing micro-blogging to share messages with the speakers and fellow attendees.
You will find individual talks set to: 10 minutes; “Featured talks” 15 and 20 minutes and the various panel discussions are set for 15 and 20 minutes. –via lax.140conf.com.
We are very pleased to announce that our very own Founder and Creative Director, Elizabeth Wahler, will be one of the honored speakers at this event on October 28 at 3:25 pm! She’s part of a panel discussing ‘Why LUX-ury Brands must interact online as a means of brand survival and evolution.’
The price for registration is $895 for both days and full access pass. If you want a daily pass it will cost either $595 for the Day 1 or $495 for Day 2. If you’re interested in a general admission pass, but with NO access to the floor this is available for $200. They also offer 40% discounts to 501c3, Universities and Startups! The code for this discount is on the registration page.
140 Character Conference will be at the Kodak Theater and if you would like to learn more and see the full schedule, visit lax.140conf.com. If you know you would like to attend, then click HERE to REGISTER!
Tagged in: twitter, los angeles, 140 characters conference, jeff pulver, kodak theater, exploring the state of now, october 27 & 28 2009, 2-day event,