How to Think Yourself Slim, Healthy & Young
Although she is in her 50s, Jackie Silver still gets asked for her ID when buying wine. Maybe that’s because she knows how to “age backwards.” In her latest book “How to Think Yourself Slim, Healthy & Young: Unleash Your Hidden Power of the Mind/Body Connection,” Silver delves into the inner hidden mental power that we all possess to affect our bodies and health.
“I wanted to write a book about a complex topic using everyday language so that everyone could take advantage of this wonderful 'power' we all have,” the anti-aging expert explained. “I use it every day to stay young and I still look very much the same as I did at 25.”
Based on real life experiences, the book is a step-by-step manual on how to unlock your mind/body connection and use mind over matter, touching on how to look 10 to 20 years younger, tips on developing ultimate brain power, an easy way to rid yourself of health problems and pain, the best medicine for your health, and more. Full of more than 150 secrets, tips and shortcuts, her book details Silver’s journey to find her own inner power and how she successfully harnessed that power to be the healthy being she is today. The manual is supported by her website, aptly named
Silver used to struggle with back pain and neck pain, but used the mind/body connection to completely rid herself of pain. “I have, unknowingly, been using the mind/body connection my entire life,” she declared.
It is not, Silver cautions, a matter of simply sitting on the couch all day, shoving chocolate in your mouth and then expecting changes to happen. Lasting youth comes when we harness the power of our minds. Through tricks such as meditation, visualization and affirming truths, we can literally think ourselves young. “Our minds are much more powerful than many people know,” Silver said.
“How to Think Yourself Slim, Healthy & Young” is a result of Silver’s extensive reading, experimenting, researching and interviewing, as well as her personal experience. A straightforward and concise approach, the book explores the power that happens when you establish a true connection between your mind and your body.
“When you have certain thoughts that cause you to become stressed out, for example: ‘I’ll never be able to lose that excess weight,’ your body’s own hormones could start working against you, causing not only aging, but illness and even disease,” Silver said.
Silver is convinced her method works. After all, it has worked with her. “I visualize myself looking younger every day and I’m pretty convinced I’m making it happen! And, I don’t simply visualize, but I actually tell myself in the mirror that I look younger every day. I still look pretty much the same as I did at age 25,” she said.
Your outlook is directly correlated to the speed at which you age. The crisis is a crisis of perception. What’s truly wrong is that people think of themselves as old. Recent research suggests, says Silver, that “you're only as old as you let yourself feel.” She cites a study that discovered that individuals who perceive themselves to be old are far more inclined to give up the very activities that could help to keep them young, mentally alert and fit, for example socializing and regular exercise. In another study, based on interviewing 29 older people, researchers found that a senior’s attitude could cause a loss of interest in participating in social and physical activities, poor health and reduced quality of life.
“The mind/body connection is the powerful way your brain can affect your body,” the anti-aging guru maintained. “In fact, mind/body connection study and testing is going on right now all over the world. It might surprise you to know that research has proven that simply thinking about it can move an artificial limb! As we speak, scientists in Germany are working on a system that will allow people to steer a car simply by using the power of thought. They use sensors to measure brain waves that distinguish bioelectrical wave patterns for simple controls such as ‘left,’ ‘right,’ ‘accelerate’ and ‘brake.’ Then they develop an interface that connects the sensors to a computer that allows them to – you guessed it –drive the car just by thinking about it. The same concept has shown that your thoughts could have a real effect on your body, whether positive or negative.”
“How to Think Yourself Slim, Healthy & Young” is published by Endless Youth and Life, a company with a mission of assisting people in their efforts to stay young and healthy. For more information, visit Endless Youth and Life or check out Silver’s website at
Tagged in: wellness, health, book, youth, anti-aging,