Wellness Wednesday: 10 Tips for Living Gluten Free
Did you know that 3 million Americans have celiac disease, but only about 5 percent of them are accurately diagnosed? Living a gluten free lifestyle is much more than a health trend and those with celiac disease can attest to the hardships that accompany cutting gluten out of your life. That being said, there are plenty of resources to help make living gluten free a little bit easier. Read on for 10 tips all GF eaters should know.
Beware of What Goes ON Your Body: Did you know that your everyday makeup and skincare products could contain gluten? Go beyond the grocery store and start buying gluten free beauty products. Check out this list of GF beauty brands to get you started.
Check Your Medications: Gluten is often unexpectedly found in medications, so be sure to consult with your pharmacist if you have celiac disease to avoid exposure to gluten and adverse health effects. Use this list to learn what to look for.
Look to Bloggers: You’re not alone! The number of celiac bloggers increases everyday and helps build a sense of community for gluten free folks. Look to blogs for endless useful information, advice and tips. Better yet – start your own blog and become part of the conversation. Add these gluten-free bloggers to your daily reads.
There’s an App For That: Make eating out easy with the app, “Find Me Gluten Free.” Use this free app to find local businesses and restaurants that offer gluten free options on their menus. Great for traveling and discovering new eateries that accommodate your lifestyle.
Eat This, Not That: Don’t let living gluten free deter you from cooking some of your favorite dishes or eating your favorite foods. There are numerous substitutes you can use to accommodate your recipes. Pretty soon, you won’t even miss your old white pasta! Get started with these 27 gluten free substitutes.
Prevent Cross-Contamination: For those that live with others who do not eat gluten free, be sure to avoid cross contamination as even a small amount can trigger your sensitivity. Utensils, pans and prepping surfaces should be free of any gluten residue. The number one offender - the toaster.
Travel with Condiments: Sauces and dressings are notorious for containing gluten so if you’re going to a friend’s house or unfamiliar restaurant, don’t be afraid to bring a small container of honey mustard or ranch dressing along.
Know Your Ingredients: Familiarize yourself with ingredients that are unsafe for those with gluten sensitivities to make your grocery shopping a little easier. Getting to know what you can and can’t eat will help reading labels when a product is not specified as gluten free.
When in Doubt, Go Natural: Confused by labels, ingredients and what to eat? When in doubt, eat naturally gluten free, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seafood as often as possible. This ensures you’re getting all your daily nutritional values met without the worry.
Visit Celiac Central: Use celiaccentral.org as your go-to guide for all things gluten free. From recipes and education to news and community outreach, this National Foundation for Celiac Awareness is a great resource to improve the quality of your gluten free life.
Read more Wellness Wednesday
Tagged in: wellness, food, wellness wednesday, nutrition, health, disease, gluten,