The Do’s and Don’ts of Assessing an Online Dating Profile
Reading between the lines
It can be tough to decode guy talk in an online dating profile. When a guy says one thing, but means something entirely different, it’s easy to be fooled.
A rule of thumb is to not trust a guy you meet online until you get to know him over at least a few dates. It’s far too common for someone to say they’re single, or looking for a serious relationship, when all they really want is a quick hookup.
With that in mind, there are ways to discover what he really means in his online dating profile.

Key words to watch out for
“Many times, I’ve seen a profile that reads ‘looking for a woman who's a good cook.’ The translation is ‘cook and housekeeper.’ Ditto for ‘I’m a traditional man who enjoys being a man.’ Watch out, he's looking for someone to manage and he's going to control you,” warned Marcia King-Gamble, a relationship and dating expert.
Religion is another potentially sticky area. “When someone describes themselves as ‘God fearing,’ that always puts me off. I am respectful of people's beliefs, but in a profile that makes me uncomfortable and I begin to wonder if he's going to be quoting the Scriptures at me and his conversation will all be fire and brimstone,” she said.
Another word to look out for, she said, is if they say they want an “independent” woman. “Men seeking ‘independent’ women usually means ‘come with your own resources, I have no intention of picking up a tab.’”
“And, ‘open-minded’ means he’s either baggage laden, or he’s into some kinky stuff,” she said.
The seemingly innocuous statement that he’s “looking for someone with no drama” usually means that he already has plenty of that in his life,” King-Gamble said.

Warning signs and red flags
Lying about interest in a long-term relationship is another common occurrence with online dating.
“Notice his vocabulary and make sure it seems representative of his chronological age. If he is 45 years old, but, in his profile, he calls his friends ‘dudes’ or he talks about how his idea of relaxation is ‘chillin,’ this is an indicator that he is immature and might not be looking for a real relationship. These are ‘boy’ terms and not expressions used by a man,” said Samantha Daniels, professional matchmaker and founder of The Dating Lounge app.
It’s also good to pay attention to how he talks about having kids or a family. If he says “that is far off in the future” or “he’s in no rush,”, these are indicators that he is not looking for something serious now and he wants you to know that. “If you are interested in this guy nonetheless, you need to take it very slowly with him or he will run to the hills,” Daniels said.
“Read between the lines and notice what he actually writes, not what you want it to mean. This is a problem for women. A woman sees the profile of a guy who seems to have all the characteristics for which she is looking and she tends to ignore the little tell-tale signs that he might not be looking for a real relationship or he might just be playing the field. It’s important to find the right guy who is also available,” Daniels said.

Casual hookups vs. long-term relationships
Amy Baglan, founder and CEO of Meet Mindful, added her thoughts on the subject:
- When a guy's profile says he is “looking for fun” that means he is probably seeking a casual hookup, not a long-term relationship. If that's what you're looking for – great. Message away. But if you want a long-term relationship, it's probably not worth your time to message and go on dates with a guy who has made it clear he's not looking for anything serious.
- If a guy only has one photo on his profile and it's blurry or unclear, that can be a sign that he's either not being his authentic self or is very insecure, which are both red flags. Nobody wants to be catfished, and more importantly, dating someone who is so insecure that he doesn't feel comfortable sharing a clear photo of himself means he will likely need constant reinforcement from you if you were to start dating, which can be exhausting.
- If a guy messages you saying “Hey, what's up?” or something very vanilla and generic like that, it could be a sign that he didn't take the time to read your entire profile, and instead just saw your photo and thought you were attractive enough to message. Again, if you're seeking a casual hookup, this might not be a big deal. However, if you're looking for a meaningful connection based on shared interests and values, it's important that this guy has taken the time to read your profile thoroughly and wants to get to know you better because of it. And if that's the case he will probably mention something about your profile that he found interesting when he first reaches out.
- If you can't find any social media profiles for a guy you're messaging with through a dating site, that can be a big red flag and likely means he's hiding something. If a guy is comfortable enough with the digital world to try online dating, it is highly unlikely that he wouldn't have existing social media accounts. If you can't find him on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, it's because he doesn't want you to find him, and you shouldn't waste your time on a guy who is clearly hiding something.

Taking it slow
Stef Safran, founder of Stef and the City dating service in Chicago, shared her take on profile-speak:
- If he says he wants to take it slow - He could be just out of a serious relationship and he isn't interested in being an instant boyfriend if you hit it off. As we get older and get more experiences under our belt, we need to understand that a great connection doesn't always equal a long term relationship.
- If he says he wants to be “friends first” - Don't push to get too romantic too quickly. He may not be the type to call back if you have a few drinks and get romantic before the relationship has had time to grow.
Safran said, “All dating profiles should be the best representation of the individual, so if there are a ton spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or too many “perfect” sounding sentences that's a red flag. Men often say things that put them in the best light but that also might be mean that they are unable to understand their flaws.”
“If someone gives too generic responses of who they are looking for, they may just be looking for someone to date and haven't given much thought to what went wrong in their previously relationships,” Safran said.
Tagged in: advice, relationships, online dating, dating profiles,