Sunday Reflection: What Signals Are You Sending Out?
Take some time to meditate on these questions below and reflect on your current state. We all live in the now and create our realities based on our perceptions and or experiences in life. The stronger we are with where we stand as individuals on our journey, the healthier we are. I believe every day is a great day to “check-in” with one’s self and those around you, however, Sunday’s seem to bring a little more calm to the process.
So my dear LUXies, today I ask that you read these questions in silence and “check-in” with yourself on the road to health, happiness and this beautiful journey of life. We all deserve serenity and the gifts of peace and evolution.
Sunday, a good day for reflection:
• What’s inspiring humbleness?
• What’s inspiring joy?
• What actions are being taken to living congruently?
• Do the principle of giving and receiving look balanced in your life?
• Is there time allotted in the schedule for self?
• How can I empower myself and those around me to live and love without fear?
• What obstacles are creating fear? What changes need to be made so an obstacle is no longer viewed as such?
Tagged in: wellness, life, peace, balance, looking glass, meditate, reflection,