
New Book by Dr. Daniel G. Amen: Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

Bringing new meaning to the phrase, “I am woman, hear me roar,” world renowned psychiatrist, brain expert and bestselling author Dr. Daniel G. Amen has just written his newest book, “Unleash the Power of the Female Brain,” set to release on Tuesday, February 12. The co-author of 30 books regarding brain studies and behavior, Dr. Amen’s newest book notes differences between the male and female brain and how women can harness their natural powers to positively affect changes in their lives.

The book uses finding from a study Dr. Amen conducted where both the male and female brain were compared. “Male and female brains are very different, knowing these differences helps us understand the strengths and challenges of the female brain and how to optimize it,” said Dr. Amen. The study—which is referred to on the website as the largest brain study ever completed—found six ways in which the female brain is more capable than men’s and is detailed in the book. The study was also able to glean unique facts, characteristics and needs women have that are easy to be explored given the right information. “One I found interesting was that females produce 52 percent less serotonin than males, so working to enhance that neurotransmitter can help anxiety and depression so common in females,” explained the author. In addition to revealing the findings, the book uses them to produce a step-by-step program so women to achieve greater health, energy and lasting happiness.


The concept of “Unleash the Power of the Female Brain,” was developed because Dr. Amen realized that with escalation of health problems in society, the Western culture is in need of an intervention—and according to him, women are the ones who have the ability to make positive changes. “It became very clear to me that women are the health leaders in their families, and if we are going to get the world healthy, it has to start with the female brain,” mentioned Dr. Amen. He added, “Most of this book is devoted to helping you unleash the power of your own female brain. Once you fall in love with your brain, learn how to take care of it and do the steps I recommend, you’ll be able to influence your loved ones and create a brain-healthy community around you, further supporting your own efforts to be well.”

For additional information about the book and to order your copy, visit

Tagged in: wellness, health, book review, dr. amen, unleash the power of the female brain,

Lifestyle / Wellness


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