Wellness Wednesday: 5 Natural Appetite Suppressants
We all get cravings, have binge eating episodes or overdo it on the doughnuts at the morning meeting, but did you know there are natural ways to trick your brain and body into thinking you are full? Whether you’re looking to cut back on sweets, reduce your portion sizes or stop snacking between meals, here are five natural appetite suppressants to help you achieve your goals.
Green Tea
Add a cup of green tea to your daily regime for a powerful punch of antioxidants in the morning or afternoon. The catechins in green tea help to stabilize blood sugar and prevent a spike in insulin, which in return helps stabilize hunger.
Help curb cravings by using ginger in soups, fresh-pressed juices and more. Known for its incredible detox and digestive powers, ginger energizes the body and aids in controlling your appetite to ensure your body is receiving the right amount of food to operate at its best.
Add avocado to a salad, slice it on a piece of toast or eat it by itself for a filling dose of monounsaturated fat. In addition to healthy fats, research shows that the oleic acid found in avocados activates an area in the brain that makes you feel satiated and curbs your appetite. Bonus: These fiber-filled guys are great for a flat tummy!
Chia Seeds
A great source of protein, fiber and omega-3s, chia seeds work to keep you feeling full. Because of chia seeds’ gelatinous quality and ability to retain water, eaters of the seeds claim they also work great as an appetite suppressant. Throw them in your morning smoothie to keep your tummy from growling until lunch.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Keep your appetite in check by taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar prior to eating a meal. Similar to green tea, it stabilizes blood sugar levels while keeping insulin levels stable to prevent spikes in your appetite. A daily dose will help reduce your urge to snack between meals.
Read more Wellness Wednesday
Tagged in: wellness, food, wellness wednesday, nutrition, health, weight loss,