
Green-Tech: World’s Largest Solar Powered Boat

Eco-technology has us swooning over the recently revealed solar powered boat. And, we’re in eco-LUX love over this aqua-craft’s clean lines and the dream that conceptualized it.

Affectionately called the ‘Planet Solar Project,’ this boat was conceived from an idea that was birthed about six years ago and is now scheduled to become a reality. This solar-powered watercraft aims to be the first of its kind to take an around the world voyage using only green technologies. The core of this boat’s design is to inspire and expand the possibilities technology has to offer for solving major global challenges.

The PlanetSolar project, an extraordinary technological and human challenge, is also an expression of the world-view of Raphaël Domjan and of the team he has built around him: “our planet deserves a better, brighter and less polluted future. Future technologies must be keenly investigated and solutions must be found. The project will help to motivate engineers and scientists to develop innovative technologies, inspire people around the world, and show that the impossible can become possible.” –

Set to sail in 2011, there’s much work to be done before then. Though the design is impeccable and infuses futuristic modern appeal, it must be thoroughly tested before such an adventurous and successful journey can begin.

“Today, the boat is the most used means of transport of goods. It represents single-handedly almost 1,4 billions of tons of carbon dioxide (in 2008), that is 6% of the total carbon dioxide emissions and twice more than the air transport.”

This means if their world tour proves successful, it could transform the health of the planet by creating solar-powered or hybrid boats to help reduce the large number of fuel dependent ships currently traveling the globe everyday.

What we love even more about this company is that they’re completely aligned with their values and even use green technology in regards to their website and hosting. From top to bottom, these eco-engineers are truly being their brand and are setting a powerful example of how dreams can be the fuel for the future. No pun intended.

So LUXies, what do you think of this newly designed eco-craft? Does green technology like this inspire eco-conscious changes in you for the future?

Tagged in: green, sustainable, planetsolar, global tour, solar powered boat,

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