Wellness Wednesday: 5 Foods You Didn’t Know to Avoid
We do our best to be healthy, but it can be difficult in a world full of toxic chemicals and genetically modified foods. What you may think is a nutritious meal could be contributing to dangerous side effects, diseases and even cancer. Read on for five foods you may be surprised you shouldn’t eat…
Microwave Popcorn
We’ve been told that popcorn is a healthy snack, but there’s more to the story. Besides the fact that many brands are loaded with sodium and fat-filled butter toppings, the lining of the bags contain a substance called perfluoroctanoic acid that has been linked to several forms of cancer. In addition, the substance used to impart a buttery taste (diacetyl) becomes toxic when heated to high temperatures, causing reports of respiratory disease. For a healthier movie time snack, make your own the old fashioned way in an air popper or on the stovetop.
Canned Tomatoes
Canned tomatoes may seem convenient for stews, chili and quick meals, but they are far more dangerous than you may think. What you may not know is that the cans are lined with bisphenol-A, which has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, thyroid issues and fetal abnormalities. Due to the high acidity of tomatoes, this chemical gets filtered into the food. Your best bet is to stick to the fresh stuff – plus they’re tastier anyway!
Soy Protein
Did you know that 90 to 95 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically engineered? Used to make soy protein isolate, these beans are able to withstand harmful herbicide doses that include glyphosate –a chemical linked to many modern diseases, including autism. Unless soy products are organic and properly fermented, they can be dangerous to your health, so be conscious when reading labels. Soy protein can be found in protein bars, soups, cereals and meat substitutes and more. Buyer beware.
Field Corn
As the number one crop in the United States, field corn in some way, shape or form seems to be in everything these days, from soda and crackers to meat and eggs. In the documentary “King Corn,” even hair that was tested came back with corn in it! To keep up with demand, corn is being genetically modified and controlled by the agricultural company Monsanto to produce more crops, and is then processed before consumption. Much of the danger comes from high fructose corn syrup, which shows up in many of the foods we eat and can contribute to obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Deli Meats
Used to make a seemingly “healthy” sandwich daily by the average American, deli meats are processed, filled with sodium and harmful nitrates for a preservative, and made from animals raised on hormones. In fact, there is nothing healthy about it! Consumption of processed meats over time has been linked to digestive disorders, cancer and heart disease. Solution: Try a flavorful hummus and veggie sandwich or add grilled chicken to a wrap.
Read more Wellness Wednesday
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