8 Foods that Beat Stress
Next time you are feeling stressed, head for the fridge. Not for some ice cream or macaroni and cheese, but for one of these super foods. Tame your tension with these healthful options, which can pack a powerful punch of just the right nutrients to knock down those noxious nerves. We always knew food could affect your mood.
Complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal cause the brain to produce more of the feel –good chemical serotonin, which induces the calming feeling you need to combat stress. Go for a high-fiber choice over instant, such as the thick-cut, old-fashioned oats that need to be cooked and take longer to digest. As your body slowly absorbs the carbs and fiber, it releases a steady stream of serotonin. It is easy to make a huge pot of steel-cut oats over the weekend and do a quick warm-up for breakfast.
When you next crave a creamy indulgence, forgo the ice cream and try an avocado. This high-fat fruit is high in stress-reducing B vitamins, which stress often depletes. Plus, they are filled with monosaturated fat and more potassium than a banana, both of which lower blood pressure. Try this rich filling treat in guacamole, added to a smoothie or sliced onto your sandwich.
Skim Milk
There may be something to the folk remedy of warm milk to get you sleepy before bedtime. The calcium in milk can soothe the nerves and cure insomnia. Milk is also filled with antioxidants and vitamins B2 and B12, which are crucial for the functioning of the nervous system and the process of obtaining energy from our food. Lactium, a protein in milk, can calm tension by lowering blood pressure, while milk’s potassium reduces the muscle spasms that accompany nerves. Studies indicate it may also help combat the mood swings, anxiety and irritability that come with PMS.
This sweet citrus fruit is well known for its high vitamin C, proven to lower blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol. When our bodies are stressed, our adrenal glands secrete cortisol, which harms the immune system. Vitamin C can reverse this damage and boost the immune system to ward off illnesses that can strike when stressed. Toss an orange in your purse or knock back a glass of the freshly squeezed juice for a quick immune system pick-me-up.
Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in controlling cortisol and adrenaline spikes that occur when you are experiencing tension. Try eating at least 4 ounces of this fatty fish three times per week. Fish is generally high in B12, which can help in producing serotonin, needed to regulate mood and sleep. The omega-3s will also protect against heart disease.
Bursting with magnesium, spinach is a must for all you stressed-out overachievers. Just one cup of the leafy greens has 40 percent of your RDA for the mineral. Magnesium aids in regulating cortisol levels (which dip when we are tense), plus promotes wellbeing. Low magnesium levels can make you feel fatigued. Try steaming some up with garlic for an easy side dish, or use it as the base of your next salad.
Like all berries, blueberries are rich in stress-combating vitamin C and antioxidants, which repair and protect cells that are damaged from stress. This blue fruit has particularly high levels of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Nibble on a handful frozen, or sprinkle them over your morning cereal for a quick stress fix.
Dark Chocolate
Do we need another reason to reach for a bar of chocolate? Filled with antioxidants and mood-enhancing endorphins, dark chocolate may certifiably make you feel better. Studies have demonstrated that even just 40g of dark chocolate daily can significantly reduce stress hormones such as cortisol and catecholamines. The antioxidant polyphenol in dark chocolate aids in slowing and repairing damage. Treat yourself to a square or two a day. This bitter dessert also lowers blood pressure, further calming the nerves.