
Envirosax reusable bag saves environment

Face it: Plastic and waste are bad for the environment. Lucky for us, Envirosax and Surfrider Foundation have partnered together to create an easy solution. The two entities have released a limited edition line of stylish, water-inspired reusable bags. Showcasing artwork from some of the foundation’s supporters – Ned Evans, Robb Havassy and Melinda Morey – the bags provide an environmentally friendly option far better for our environment than single-use bags.

Each year in the United States, consumers run through around 380 billion plastic bags.
During the course of a lifetime, one reusable bag can save up to 6,000 disposable ones.

“The Surfrider/Envirosax bags reduce single use plastic bag usage and keep them out of our waterways, off our beaches and out of the ocean,” Alexis Henry, Surfrider Foundation’s communications manager, said to LadyLUX. “This has a secondary benefit of keeping birds, fish and marine mammals from ingesting the plastics, which often leads to sickness or even death.”

A United Nations study discovered that approximately 100,000 marine mammals and as many as one million birds are killed each year by ingesting or becoming tangled in plastic waste. The collection is intended not just to protect these animals, but also to raise awareness.

“Our oceans, lakes and waterways are beautiful elements of nature we want our children and grandchildren to enjoy,” Envirosax CEO Belinda Coker said in a statement. “We hope to inspire everyone to reuse. One tiny change is like a drop of water into a pond – it has the power of creating a big ripple effect. We hope that all of the small changes people make by using our bags will make a huge impact in order to preserve and protect our environment.”

Following Envirosax’s tradition, the Surfrider Foundation bags are lightweight yet strong, weighing only 1.4 oz. but carrying up to 44 pounds, the capacity of two shopping bags. The water-resistant bags can be easily rolled to 4 inches and placed in a pocket or handbag.

“The idea came out of our four-plus year partnership with Envirosax and our connections to a variety of artists,” Henry said. “Envirosax's CEO, Belinda Coker, saw some of the artwork we had received in the past and mentioned how wonderful the art would look on a line of bags. We started brainstorming and the idea was born to do a limited edition line of bags featuring artwork by artists with ties to Surfrider and to the oceans, waves and beaches.”

The three artists have long provided support to the foundation, donating artwork to support its projects.

For each bag purchased, Envirosax will donate 50 cents to benefit Surfrider Foundation’s Rise Above Plastics campaign. The campaign is dedicated to reducing single-use plastics in our oceans through educational and advocacy programs.

A grassroots charity founded in 1984, the Surfrider Foundation aims to protect our oceans and beaches through its network of more than 250,000 supporters, activists and members across the globe.

To purchase the bags, please visit or

Tagged in: lux exclusives, bag, environment, surfrider foundation, reusable bag, envirosax, eco-friendly,


LadyLUX via Envirosax

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