‘Be a Part of the Difference’: The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
LUXies, as you know breast cancer is something that all people are susceptible too and we wanted to highlight an impactful charity event, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. These yearly weekend events are held in a variety of cities across the United States and offer an amazing opportunity to truly give back!!
The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer is coordinated by the Avon Foundation that was established in 1955 with an original mission to ‘improve the lives of women and their families.’ This mission comes to life with two vehicles: breast cancer and domestic violence.
The Avon Breast Cancer launched in 1992, and Avon breast cancer programs are in more then 50 countries to support advancing access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer, with a focus on the medically underserved. -via Avonfoundation.org
This ‘Walk’ is a whole weekend affair that offers an experience and connection to those that share a common passion for the LadyLUX motto of ‘Good for the Sake of Good.’ The weekend adventure includes a ‘Wellness Village’ that is your home away from home. It’s a place that you camp out throughout the weekend. Tents are provided—although, you’re responsible for bringing the ‘interior’ furnishings, such as a sleeping bag, pillow, or blow-up mattress. There are two distances offered: a marathon (26.2 miles) or a marathon and a half (39.3 miles) over one weekend. A promise of community, connection and giving back are in store for those who participate. What could be more LUX?!?
So you might be asking, what does it take to be a part of this event? There are three different ways you can get involved: as a walker, a volunteer, or a crewmember. As a walker you’ll be required to pay a $65 registration fee, raise a minimum of $1,800 and commit your whole weekend. As a volunteer, you’ll donate your time coordinating the logistics of the actual weekend event. And as a crewmember, you’ll be required to pay the $65 for registration and will need to dedicate your entire weekend camping out at the Wellness Village.
At the Wellness Village, you can expect basic services to meet your needs: food, hot showers, sinks, medical services, common areas to meet and talk with other participants, opportunities to learn more about breast cancer and related issues, and some great entertainment for those no too tired to enjoy it. –via Avonfoundation.org
The Avon Walks have raised an average of $150 million coast-to-coast from 2003-2006!! As you can see, this event commits to truly making a measurable difference in the area of breast cancer!!
Up and coming locations for 2009 include: Rocky Mountains, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Charlotte, Houston, Washington, D.C., Boston, and Chicago. To see the full schedule and become a part of such a major event, visit AvonFoundation.org.
Tagged in: new york, new york, los angeles, boston, support, san francisco, chicago, united states, charlotte, research, fundraising, avon walk for breast cancer, cure, avon foundation, rocky mountains, houston, washington, d.c.,