BBC Launches Largest Virtual Zoo Online
Increasing technological advances combined with ‘thinking outside the box’ philosophies has just allowed the BBC to launch the largest online zoo! This site provides you intimate exploration of almost any animal that you choose! Now that most definitely tops our LUX-o-meter!
Imagine LUXies, you can now have immediate access to nature and wildlife without ever leaving your home! Not to mention, that every adventure of exploration is guaranteed and will no longer be dependent on day and time of the animal. Come on, we’ve all been to the zoo only to find that our favorite animal will not come out of the cave or wake up from nap time. Well this problem will no longer exist with this new platform. BBC is offering you access to over 370 exhibits through photography and film archives, as well as immediate access on other mediums, such as television shows, actual zoos, etc.
“It has always been my hope that, through film-making, I can bring the wonder of the natural world into people’s sitting rooms,” Sir David Attenborough said. “Now the web has totally changed how we can link information, connect people and reach new audiences in a world which likes to have things on demand.”
When you visit the ‘Wildlife Finder’ you’ll see each of your favorite animals categorized and you can choose habitats or ecosystems. This virtual zoo offers you much more than you would achieve in person and the BBC staff will be continually updating the site accordingly.
So LUX Nation, what do you think? Would you explore this virtual zoo?
Tagged in: animals, nature, ecosystems, bbc, habitats, wildlife finder, virtual zoo, sir david attenborough,