Wellness Wednesday: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Sugar
When it comes to the toxicity of sugar, there is nothing sweet about it. The average adult in the U.S. takes in a whopping 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day without knowing the harmful toll it's taking on the body. With evidence suggesting that sugar can lead to many chronic diseases, here are 5 things you probably didn’t know that may cause you to think twice before picking up a can of soda….
It Leads to Premature Aging
In addition to causing acne and dry skin, sugar inhibits blood flow and can lead to wrinkles and premature aging. Through a process called glycation, sugar wreaks havoc on collagen and elastin, resulting in brittle and saggy skin. To keep your complexion looking young and fresh, increase your antioxidant intake with fruits and veggies and shun those sugary snacks.
Sugar Creates Fogginess in the Brain
Sugar not only leads to aging skin, but also an aging brain. A 2013 study found that excessive sugar consumption was linked to deficiencies in memory and cognitive health. Other research also suggests that a diet high in sugar forms free radicals in the brain that can compromise the cell’s ability to communicate. This can effect how we process ideas and instructions, leaving you foggy headed in an afternoon meeting.
A Sugar Addiction May Be Genetic
Think you may be “addicted” to sugar? Research has shown that some people are genetically prone to an addiction to sweets. According to Mark Hyman, MD, those with certain genetic variations in their reward and pleasure centers need more stimulation to feel pleasure, which drives them to addictive behaviors. In fact, science shows that people can be biologically addicted to sugar in the same way that people are addicted to alcohol or other unhealthy stimulants.
It Causes Stress
While many indulge in sugary sweets when they are sad, emotional or in need of a boost, studies show that sugar intake actually leads to stress and can make anxiety worse. Sugar is quickly absorbed into the body and provides a short-term boost of energy, but later results in the exhaustion of the adrenal glands and stress on the pancreas. This leads to irritability and even depression. Stick to vitamin filled fruits and veggies to boost your mood.
Sugar Has Toxic Effects Similar to Alcohol
If you’re a social drinker and a sugar hound, your liver may be working overtime. The authors of a 2012 paper in the journal, Nature, found evidence that fructose is similar to alcohol in the way it damages the liver. Because fructose can only be metabolized by the liver, it becomes taxing to the organ and creates metabolic havoc when consumed in excess. Overconsumption of both fructose and alcohol can lead to some of the same health outcomes including hypertension, obesity, pancreatitus and dyslipidemia.
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