Wellness Wednesday: 5 Reasons to Eat More Tumeric
Known as the “Queen of Spices,” turmeric has been used in other cultures for centuries and has recently gained a lot of attention in the western world not only for its culinary prowess, but also for its numerous healthy benefits. This super-food comes from a ginger-like root that is made into a spice and used to flavor soups, vegetables and most notably, curry. Here are 5 reasons why you should start eating more turmeric today.
1. Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Potent, yet safe, the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric have been shown to be comparable to drugs such as hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone, minus the side effects. Curcumin, the polyphenol found in tumeric is thought to be the primary pharmalogical agent. Keep blemishes and wrinkles at bay or aid in the relief of conditions caused by inflammation such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis by adding more turmeric to your meals.
2. Helps Prevent Cancer and other Diseases
With its high antioxidant content, studies have shown that adding turmeric to your diet is a healthy way to prevent cancer. Curcumin helps the body destroy mutated cancer cells, inhibits tumor formation and prevents the development of additional blood supply for cancer cell growth. Researchers also believe that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in this spice may be able to ward off Alzheimer’s disease by breaking down the amyloid plaques in the brain.
3. Detoxification
Studies show that turmeric has a strong ability to detox the liver naturally. Since your liver is responsible for filtering just about everything you put in your body, it’s important to keep your liver in good standing. Add turmeric to a detox tea to cleanse your liver and rejuvenate its cells.
4. Weight Loss Aid
Get your daily dose of turmeric to help indigestion and aid in weight loss. Curcumin works to stimulate the gallbladder and produce bile, which helps digest fat and block its absorption for weight control. More studies will be conducted regarding the link between turmeric and weight loss, but keep this on your radar.
5. Helps Improve Your Mood
Used in Chinese medicine to help treat depression, turmeric can even be used to improve your mood! Shown to enhance the brain chemical serotonin, increase the production of dopamine and positively affect neurogenesis, turmeric can help regulate mood, stress levels and even enhance your libido.
Read more Wellness Wednesday
Tagged in: wellness, wellness wednesday, nutrition, health, spices,

LadyLUX via nourishmedicine.com