Wellness Wednesday: 5 Bad Mood Foods
Blaming work, relationships, finances and other stressors for your bad mood? It may be time to look past these external influencers and take a look at your diet! As the subject of a lot of recent research, the food-mood connection is being recognized as highly powerful. The food you consume acts as a precursor to neurotransmitters, so depending on what you put in your body, certain levels of those neurotransmitters are developed, which can severely affect your mood. Do your mood some good by avoiding these 5 types of food.
Refined Carbohydrates
If you find yourself reaching for a morning bagel, think twice before fueling up with this breakfast favorite. Low in nutrients and high in empty calories, in order to digest refined carbohydrates, your body has to use its own vitamins and minerals, thus putting stress on the body. While you may feel a surge of energy initially, these types of foods cause a spike in blood sugar followed by a crash, leaving you lethargic and irritable. Be wary of pasta, bread and other processed flours.
Processed Meats
While sandwiches still remain a lunch staple for many, the processed meats used are chock full of mood altering preservatives and nitrates that are used to keep meats fresh and preserve color. Nitrates can cause tension and migraine headaches in addition to a slew of other health problems including digestive disorders and cancers. Steer clear of bologna, sausage, hot dogs and other deli meats to keep spirits high.
This one is a no-brainer. With no essential nutrients, sugar-laden sweets, soda and candy create a short-term boost of energy, followed by a crash and exhaustion in the adrenal glands. Putting a severe load on the pancreas, sugar consumption leads to poor concentration, irritability, headaches and depression. Keep your sugar intake to a minimum and use a natural sweetener such as stevia when necessary.
As one of the top sources of trans fat, margarine and processed vegetable oils block the body’s assimilation of mood-boosting essential fatty acids and promote inflammation, resulting in a down state of mind. In addition, recent studies show that the consumption of trans fats over time can lead to depression. Avoid this spread at the dinner table and choose coconut oil as a healthy cooking alternative.
Soy Protein
As Americans continually search for “healthier” alternatives, more factory-made foods, including soy protein, are hitting the markets. The problem? Soy contains naturally occurring substances called goitrogens that negatively impact the thyroid causing irritability and exhaustion. If you can’t cut soy out of your diet, make sure your products are properly fermented to cut down on these negative properties.
Read More Wellness Wednesday
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