Wellness Wednesday: Eat Your Way to Healthy Skin
As the old adage goes, “You are what you eat.” This couldn’t be more true when it comes to your skin. As an outer reflection of your inner health, you’ll benefit by spending your paycheck on nutritious foods instead of expensive creams. Whether you’re concerned with a dull complexion or anti-aging, put your best face forward by filling up on the following healthy foods for an all-over glowing complexion.
Dry Skin
On top of drinking plenty of water, you can moisturize your skin from the inside out with proper nutrition. To help skin retain its natural moisture, get your fill of vitamin E with avocados, nuts and seeds. Throw a little salt and pepper on half an avocado for the perfect midday snack. For dry and cracked skin, look to beans and oysters rich in zinc and the omega 3 heavy hitter, salmon. A vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin so be sure to add carrots and spinach to your diet. Tip: limit drying culprits such as alcohol and caffeine to a minimum!
Acne Prone
While acne is often the result of multiple contributing factors, a healthy diet can help prevent acne and assist in healing blemished skin. A clean system makes for clear skin, and lemons can help detox your body by supporting your liver and kidneys. Starting your day with a cup of hot water and lemon will help kick-start your system. Slice into some ginger with anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce redness. This root can easily be added to tea, stir-fries and salad dressing. Munch on magnesium rich oatmeal and brown rice to balance out acne-inducing hormones. Get plenty of vitamin E from nuts and whole grains to heal damaged and scarred skin.
Before investing in miracle potions and creams, pay attention to what goes on your plate to turn back the clock. For wrinkle-free skin, it’s all about antioxidants. Add a cup of berries to your daily diet to neutralize damaging free radicals and help manufacture collagen for firm skin. Stocked with phytonutrients, beta-carotene and lycopene, tomatoes help protect your skin from sun damage and repair skin cells. Pop a handful of Brazil nuts as an afternoon snack for your daily dose of selenium to help your skin retain its natural elasticity. Get a back-from-the-beach glow with papaya while fighting wrinkles with vitamin C and flavonoids.
Dull Complexion
For a bright and sunny complexion that rivals a celebrity red carpet glow, turn to these powerhouse foods for your healthiest skin yet. Vitamin B and zinc-rich eggs keep skin moist and smooth and help manufacture collagen to fight dull skin. Keep skin looking supple while helping the formation of new skin cells with sweet potatoes rich in vitamin A. The vitamin C in cantaloupe will help produce collagen and fight free radicals for a healthy glow. Take a tip from Popeye and load up on spinach to help maintain and repair the DNA in your skin.
Read more Wellness Wednesday
Tagged in: wellness, food, wellness wednesday, skin, nutrition, health, acne, dry skin, anti-aging,